third about body cameras that was made by the police department and deputy chief ali and commander morriser and presented their up to date on body cameras and finally i discussed the needed budget for the office of complaints and the last point under donna salazar the occ mediated 7 cases 5 in june 27 cases compared to thirty as of june 30th, 2014 and as june 30th 20145 complaints were mediated that concludes my report. >> thank you director hicks any questions for director hicks colleagues? director hicks i want to make a contempt our advocacy so for the budget was skill if you have this year i think this is significant i know there were last minute questions from the corral and i think the bar association has been helpful in that group one other do outs i serve on the criminal justice task force what can we do to insure the health of the department it staffed we're almost there i want to note the excellence of our advocacy and thank you very much commissioner president loftus >> inspection. >> 3 c commission reports commission president's report. >> report outs together colleagues. >> wel