brick and mortary is not equally applied in relationship to online. so, wyatt is going to present to you the beginnings of this and feel free to ask questions and provide any direction in term of where you think you would like to -- further information that you would like on this subject matter as we work on this. and then the objective is to develop a policy recommendation to the city, possibly the state around this particular regulation. >> that's great. welcome, wyatt. >> thank you. my name is wyatt robarts like regina just said. i did my research on point of sale legislation at the state and local level and see kind of where we can move from there and what kind of questions we'd have for the august 25th meeting. so, i want to start with state law. ab 2732 was introduced in 2002 and that was requiring businesses to conspicuously display price and have that price be easily viewable by customers when using automatic check-out system. and the bill won't go into effect until 2017 because [speaker not understood] and the justification behind this bill w