but as the book three cups of tea by greg mortenson describes, before you can build a school you have to build a relationsh relationship. and we'll have time to build a relationship so we build schools. and without a relationship, school is something we have in planted in a foreign plant rather than something the afghans themselves have build on their own. and that to me is a fundamental flaw in the strategy that we are presently employing. i will turn to chris perhaps on the medical side. >> i'd also like to say thanks to jim, steve and karl for welcoming us. now, beyond the plenary session of this panel, i do have to remark that the past two days doing and with the cadets and their classes has been an incredible expert, just to step out of line and become a student again momentarily. to witness the future military leaders and citizen soldiers of our country. it's something that is a stand and certain makes me proud to be involved. and as i look across at the other panel members and seek professional soldiers, authors, historians, leaders, diplomats. and me as a physician who is now