mosconi is too small. when we build mosconi's center, we thought it would last for ever. 10 years later, we had to build a mosque on the north because demand became so strong. we thought we could go on forever. then 10 years ago we open the mosconi west. soon after that, the demand started to fall. we have to look at how we can maximize the space we have to optimize the potential that we have in business. oracle is just one group. we are going to close howard street friday afternoon because they cannot fit anymore. luckily, we have the resources to do that. lots of groups say that they're about to come, but we are so small. so we are looking at obstacles to expand. we had one of the highest occupancy rates anywhere. we put together a task force a couple of years ago to look at options where we can expand. we know we want to stay in the neighborhood, in the heart of the city, a retail community. we have basically two options. here is the layout of moscow and the north, south, and west. unfortunately, they a