moscovitch? >> good morning, executive director. mark could not be here today. we have ms. martinez from the legislative advocacy firm in san francisco. she will make the presentation. >> hello members. >> i can just move it. >> you are all set. >> we will relocate because we have the laptop and can move through it. we will do a little different of a presentation we have normally done with the matrix. we have put a powerpoint presentation together. this will give us the opportunity to go through a couple bills. how we were watching this and looking ahead as to next year, what will be coming down the turnpike. wanted to highlight a couple bills we were watching. ab819, which would require caltrans to establish procedures for non-standardized designs for bicycle projects. this was approved by the governor. another bill of interest would be ab1532, the speaker's bill, which would set procedures for use and distribution and cap and trade funds. i will go into this further. i think this would be of great interest to the board of supervisors with respect to the designation of the