archbishop of moscow avrosy, his body was set tombstone on top there was a stand on which the metro lay valuable part of the tombstone was lost. where barrels of wine were stored, he emptied them and came to the consensus that the plague was specially brought to moscow in order to destroy the orthodox people began to smash the monastic quarantines and knock down doctors. somehow escaped death, the head of the plague hospitals, danil samoilovich, when the distraught crowd began to beat him, he called himself under the doctor and was spared. he was a unique person for his time. voluntarily, remaining contagious moscow to save the sick samoylovich tried to take. this is poison uh, purulent poison from the secretions of buboes and on the basis of them build a facsimile to drive them with a weakened poison imagine, he uh invented the microscope there, tried to find arousal and began to try to vaccinate against the plague. trial. the very best get sick with the plague, but endure it in an easy form to convince someone else of the correctness of the method did not work. and then the main thing