will also be included the series paris new york paris berlin paris moscow. these exhibitions managed to change the public's view of modernism. but afterwards it became clear that something essential had been left out of the new york it was not moscow berlin paris and new york that were important but vienna and the paris club after this realisation home and to fill this oversight with an exhibition of begin to ease modernism it was staged of vienna without paris vienna independent of paris it spotlighting viennese culture at the turn of the century because news that we the french owed so much to this culture including do it on she were going she did yes. in the late 1912 sheila rented a studio in the hit singing neighborhood of vienna very close to a good stuff tim's last studio was the respectable family of the locksmith few 100 homes lived across the street. sheila married edith the younger of his 2 daughters in june 915. i think it was the winter of 1914 i had at once with each sent a little letter inviting us to join him for a movie at the apollo theater.