. >> thank you, and john mosher, you wrote the story of the first american supreme, real supreme commander, ulysses grant. >> that's right. >> tell us about yourself and how you see grant. >> well, i'm so like you. i was born in arkansas and i had to move to louisiana, either that or have my front teeth removed. [laughter] i sort of saw and i had relatives, ancestors on both sides of the war. my background basically is in european art it in the first and second world war, and so when i came to write about grants, my original interest in grant was he wrote great underappreciated american literature in his wars that which mark twain got published. it's really some brilliant writing. for joint grant didn't talk much about himself. he talked mostly about descriptions. but i brought to that a somewhat different perspective. and certainly very much the idea of grant as the first free commander, but also that grant was, as sherman, one of the great, the truly great american generals. someone asked as sherman dd think credit should be included with wellington, napoleon as one of the great soldiers