he's a very fast fighter, shane mosley, even though he is 38. as far as power goes, mosley is a tremendous knock-out puncher in the welterweight division. he's proved up from the light-weight division, as heavy as the junior middleweight division and he's back in the welterweight division where he dominated for several years. he's a tremendous puncher. floyd has faced other good punchers, but he hasn't faced a guy who can deliver the punch with the power mosley has. that's the question, what will happen if mosley catches him with one of those fast terrific punches? we haven't seen floyd's chin tested. this would be first time in my estimation he's stepping into the ring with a truly elite welterweight fighter. >> you mentioned, too, sugar shane mosley is 38 years old. in what way have we seen any effects of age? >> well, in his last fight, which was over a year ago in january of last year, he sure didn't look 38 or 37, if that's what he was at the time. he fought antonio margarito at a fight where margarito was supposed to run right over him. gu