the first spots are davis, lee, emanuel, del valle, mosley braun, de jesus, and chico. the others will go in the way they are filed. and number seven on that list is our spotlight tonight. we spoke with gery chico. >> reporter: this is a man with a solid background in city government. he has yet to slow down. gery chico is a man in perpetual motion. always campaigning. never missing a chance to meet someone new. he may be making up for lost time. >> i spent most of my time on the other side of that camera. work in the trenches. i haven't been worried about getting my face on camera. now if you want to run for office, up to sell your story. >> reporter: his story includes business, law, an unsuccessful senate bid. he's a guy the mayor plugged in all over. three years as his chief of staff, chicago public schools, city colleges, the park district. today he's meeting with not for profits. talking about tightening belts, which sounds somewhat like chico's vision for the city. >> the status quo won't work. the problems are too great and you know what? thankfully people's exp