motamedian visited the terranzi road in the southeast of turkey, bordering with syria and iraq, during his trip to the deep provinces of turkey . we defined our relations in the border provinces, if we believe that all 8 provinces of the republic of turkey can be joint economic cooperation in the event of our economic goal and economic exchanges, and finally, after 5 working days, this trip was completed. omid shiazi khabarari the border terminal's radio station in the world today, global trade has reached unprecedented levels and has created opportunities and challenges for importers and exporters. in order to progress in this dynamic landscape , it is inevitable to focus on the digital revolution. a revolution whose beating heart is a combination of data processing and artificial intelligence. data and artificial intelligence enable importers and exporters to have a real view of supply chains. we are seeing companies focus on that much more interested in putting the data around it at the center of their decision making. with claims data obtained from various sources such as shipping