they don't count the donations of commodities, trucks, motorcycl es, telephones, they actually only count the taxes that are taken nine refineries, protection money, i put the number closer at half a billion dollars per year but either way it is an astonishing amount of money and far more than it costs them to run their operation. nobody has any idea how much al qaeda and the imu are turning off of the drug trade it may be as much as 400 million or more. they come into the drug trade right at the moment where the drugs leave the region and that the farm gate level a kilo of 0:00 p.m. cost about $75 in afghanistan. by the time it reached pakistan border is done of 12 times by the time it is refined into crystal heroin and moves toward the west of has gone up 200 times so of fewer moving it out of the farm you're you're making a bit of money but if you are moving it to other parts of the world you are really making a killing 9/11 only cost $500,000 so i think people often say the last thing we want to do is get involved in another messy drug war columbia has been a disaster, mexico is looki