and the movie that was playing was "the motorcycle diaries." and you're like, that's not the joke.and a biker, like a renegade bad man, came down the street and he bicycled his bike into my father's -- into his penis. hit my dad like right in the crotch. my dad was like, oooh! our whole family, my sisters and my mom, we're all just crying so hard. because like my dad is just -- he's just -- this huge accident. and -- but in that moment i became a hero. and i was like, how dare you! to the dude. i would never start a fight but i was like, bikes have the same rules as cars, you're going the wrong way, your just hit my dad in the penis! and my mom was like, jenny, stop. stop. he's already such a bad man that he's biking the wrong way what will he do next? [ laughter ] so i was like, yes, i do, but i was afraid now, oh my god i'm in the fight, oh my god i'm in the fight. and i was like, they do have the same rules as cars, sir! then i thought since i said "sir" this will all just -- we'll sit on down. >> jimmy: sure, respectfully. >> instead he was like, oh they do? and then he called