are a number of concerns for people who were actually at the celebration for the access for motorized wheelchairsand we have to start building into the plans as we do this, to make certain that people know that if you are in a motorized wheelchair, we have to find ways to accommodate this. we cannot go up the parade route and this will create problems downstream. you may need an ambulance to do this and this is not good for the person involved. i ask for them to include this list. we will be incorporating this into the action report, and as we go to planning this, these considerations start to be more recognize, and better inc., and as we learn what we have to do here, we will make certain that this is put into training, where appropriate. and with that, are there any questions. >> did you want to comment on this? the police department was the lead agency. >> every april, we think that the giants are going to get into the world series, and with that in mind, we have to gear up. over the last year, we have the overreaching umbrella, and it works very well. the amount of personnel barricades' with