doctors gave the motter meddcation to stop cootractionns..ecood baby wasn't ready to come out yet.the couple nd their newborn hen flew to a saint louis hospital....where the second twin was born a week aterr coming up n the early edition... need a jobb.. but you may have a problem. problem.its a tremendous waste of human capittllto tell people becauss they lost aajob they're not eligible to get a new one. presiddnt's obs bill that stops this from happennng.. and why some employers say.. it's a bad iiea. idea. ((break 1)) ((bump in)) ((ad lib metterologist)) 3 ((traffic reporterrad libs))), map iber map 175 map 3 3 3 coming up... the job market is tougg right now...evvn tougher... if you're áunemployedá... hile lookiig for a job. job.yes its going to make it more difficclt for those people to get job. job.the new clause in president obama's jobs bill that could elp those... trying to get back in the job market... after being out oo it for so long. ((bump ouu)) &p((break 2)) 3q women everywhere are joining the revolution against scrubbing on th