people not lending to each other weren't even able to borrow for 10 percent overnight they've been motwani however an investor with iron gate development a washington d.c. area expects to flip about 15 homes this year he says it's always smarter to use a mortgage because you get leverage you can do many more deals wright said might want also the banks have become a little bit more easy and lending on this flip business they used to be a lot tougher so the dumb money is pouring in the money is there for the dumb money it's easy for them to borrow 1 it's easy for them to flip this also happened in 2006 right before they had world economy the real world economy went over the cliff 1st us in 2006 which for 10 the 20072008 crash i mean created the crisis really quickly crisis q peter schiff we're back all right we're going to take a little break or i come back much more coming your way. 24 do you know bloody revolution of. the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it you know we're here to put it