edel 10% of the shares of mould nirogahi tejarat fars company will be offered on wednesday, august 25 in a combined method and in two stages. in this offering, eight and forty and seven million and one hundred thousand shares will be offered by auction method and fixed price in the auction method, 338 million and 840 thousand shares will be given to mixed investment funds . the maximum number of shares that can be purchased for each trading code is 11 million and 300 thousand shares. it was discovered in the first stage that in the last two years, the average growth of industrial production of listed companies has reached four and one-tenth percent , while in the years 1996 to 2009, this rate was 1 percent. this news is more news in today 's package. and the budget in the years 1996 to 2099, the average growth of the company's industrial production 10 percent of the stock market, but in the last two years it reached 4 and 10 percent . mehdi qalipour, managing director of a real estate company , provides the possibility of investing in real estate by the meter . it has a suitable liqui