but he is something more, that simply a great teacher, the testimony of this divine presence, on mount tabor, were witnessed by those disciples who... saw the ancient prophets next to the savior understood that this was not really a man from galilee, but the son of god, and in all likelihood this transformation became possible because the disciples were ready for it, because on... the savior asks the disciples, and who do people consider me to be? well, and they began to list, some for elijah, some for moses, some for some other prophets who were in the past, but who in your person seemed to have appeared now, then the lord asked: "well, and who do you consider me to be? and peter says something unexpected, absolutely not stemming from any of the conversations savior. the lord had not called himself that until that moment. peter says: "you are the christ, the son of god, that is, you are the messiah, the savior of the world." this simple fisherman saw in his teacher not just a strong man, a miracle worker, but the savior of the world promised by the prophets. and the lord then says: flesh an