without corroborating evidence, all we have is moussa' s word on any of this. so... do we think we have anything here? you know mine. so you recommend cutting him loose. murphy station deems his claims, including that disah was traveling with a wife, not credible. i' m sorry, sir. i hoped this would pan out. so i guess i bawled you out for nothing, gordon. bess, thank the italians. they can take him from here. you mean ship him and the rest of the refugees back to libya? they are libyan citizens on an italian ship. sir, are we really going to send them back to the terrorist haven they risked their lives to escape? this is the u.s., not the u.n. well, then let' s find a unhcr camp that' ll take them. much as i would love to help, these refugees do not fall under our jurisdiction. understood. i' jane, when does the italian ship dock in tripoli? uh... 2200. why? have you read the cia interview with this guy ramzi shamekh? just the highlights, yeah. he' s an old cia source who they interviewed post-attack ' cause he' s got a cousin in hs. wasn' t much else there th