so then movingnto e building 2 plaza, this is positioned between the mixed use retail block and building 2 which use is to be determined, but it might be grocery or market hall. we imagine that people will want to sit in the public open urban space and socialize with neighbors, maybe wait for people, wait fort shuttle, and so it's really designed to be a flexible and open space. building 3 plaza, we call it a plaza, it also has function of the parking lot, but we're designing it in a way that it can be shut down on weekends to perhaps events or markets. it's a higher quality paving material and may be permeable so this is still going to be a nice urban space that people will pass through from building 2 and building 3. moving to clipper cove promenade, this is the main pedestrian and bike thoroughfare along the clipper cove edge of the island. there is a two-way cycle track that is dedicated and promenade along the water's edge to watch the marina and the sailing center. and there is palm trees separating those different modes of travel. east side commons is a new park type to us. it's n