mozart. beethoven. values. >> wertheim: it goes beyond pleasures of the ear, though. he also objects to mixing tastes. >> toroczkai: the foods, the european foods. for example, the doner-kebab in berlin, budapest. i would like to eat the doner kebab in istanbul. >> wertheim: we're spending a half a billion dollars on a fence to keep out doner kebabs? >> toroczkai: you know, we need this border fence to preserve our safe country. >> wertheim: in the same town, we found sandor nagy, who's part of the mayor's posse, patrolling for migrants. you might think he would be precisely the kind of person to benefit from the family protection plan. after all, he and his wife moved from budapest to raise their eight children in this pastoral paradise. but he's excluded. not enough savings to qualify. "this really helps families if they have enough capital and their own money, he says, "but i think there are many families in the country who do not have their own basic capital and the plan cannot help them." and the