at this time i would like to turn it over to commander mozeier for his presentation. >> thank you. thank you captain. presidents loftus, commissioners, supervisor kim, chief surh, director hicks and members of the public. i'm commander mozeier and was one of the 3 cochairs of the body camera working group that worked to give the draft policy that we have here tonight that we will discuss. what i will do here is just give a overview of the process, how the group was formed, what we did in terms of the methodology in developing the draft policy and walk you through the meetings and some of the issues we discussed throughout the meetings and some of the areas where we didn't have consensus, so hopefully you'll get a idea how the process played out. next slide, please. on april 30, 2015 mayor lee, chief suhr and president loftus announced additional funds over the next 2 budget psycholts are set aside for body worn cameras for the deapartment. on may 13 president loftus directed the department to establish a working group for the purchase of developing a bodty worn cam raw policy. pres