presumably, you wouldn't be blocked from accessing the sites you want or whether it's the approach that mozilla has been thinking about where you would have a protocol that says do not track me, and companies would have to say we agree to this protocol, we won't track you. this is a time for sort of rolling out the technology, thinking about the way it would work best. again, what we want is consumer choice. and, you know, as those -- those in the community that oppose do not track, and as you know, there's much more in our report although do not track, although that's the thing that's resonated the most. you know, it's what, for example, the iab -- i have a lot of respect for them, but they're a lobbying organization -- is raise concerns. if they have empirical concerns, i'm sure the innovative business community can start to work them out. >> host: another area in your report is transparency. and when companies provide their online privacy statements to consumers, you have described them in the report as incomprehensible and in ininadequate. >> guest: i think that was my description of -- i t