the depth of oil refining at the mozor oil refinery has increased with... paid by individuals in a single property payment, the payment process has become simpler it’s more convenient to do everything at once; as before, you can pay the total amount ahead of schedule. in parts. the payer will find the necessary information in the erip personal account, on the ministry of taxation website, as well as in the paper version of the notice. tax payment is made in a single property payment, that is, in a total amount. not each tax separately, when it was necessary to select each region where the property is located, pay the property tax, then the land tax, clean the area at the place of residence in order to pay the transport tax, but a single amount, at the same time, as before, the tax can be paid ahead of schedule or in installments, and it is very convenient in... which is immediately visible, after payment, the balance of the debt is immediately visible. the mailing will last until october 1, as for the deadlines for paying the unified property tax, they have remained unchanged, the debt mu