ahead of that, the chinese mpc. we know what their economic goals are. there's going -- the stimulus approach is going to get them there. they had a record in terms of their budget deficit target. there will be special government bond issuance is as well. there's a focus on some of these tech sectors including ai. along with ev's spurring growth. overall, very positive for stock markets. the hang seng hit the highest level in about a week. doubling down as well. if you take a look at some of the special mentions that we heard in the speech, it also included robotics, computing, chipmaking stocks. those are the ones that are doing well today. special bonds as well for the big banks. these are the lenders that have been doing heavy lifting in china the past couple years. their margins have been coming under pressure. some fleshing out of the recapitalization plans. also leading gains in china. tom: the stock market reaction, individual names on the move on the back of that report. the details coming out of beijing. we will stay on that story and get the de