good,mpensation is not as a lot of physicians don't have insurance. -- dr.mary care doc to will not turn you away. so a lot of it is not compensated care. and they want to go into specialties which pay much better. the training and being in debt a lot of students and up going that route. there is no equipment around, you need specialties safed -- staff. they don't have those recesses. host: a call from south carolina. caller: good morning. you talked about the hospitals that were closed because they didn't have the money. , the illegals when they go to the hospital in rural areas? the tremendous amount of unfunded care. i was a corpsman in the navy, what about nurse practitioners and physicians assistants in that area. if you have a sinus infection you really don't need a phd to diagnose it. guest: thank you for your question. these world areas at least in aretown of marion, there in a lot of cases, it is compensated for by the hospital. where i live in new york city, they will try to get people here through patient advocates, and i will cover some of it. host: could it be a essential na