qatar and mexico city where many may not realize, but journalists from news organizations from the mpr, new york times, wall street journal have been we got a grouo houston and the rest of the 200 who we evacuated, there was a program jointly run by the u.s. state department and many of them have now settled in canada. that leaves us with how to cover afghanistan. i do not want to get into security questions in particular in great detail because they are sensitive, but we feel a great commitment to cover afghanistan. we feel a great commitment to the story. this was very much in the news and it really resonated. a year ago, with the fall of kabul, with the loss in the u.s. a lot of very difficult questions about the role of the u.s., the complicity of the u.s., the obligation of the u.s. there was high interest in this topic but we have seen the economy, ukraine, and so may other things that have happened, to a certain extent reader interest has moved on. we and anyone who covered this is very committed to covering the story. we are also very careful. we do not want to re-create a bure