pl' s.♪ cooke-mpson: oh, my gdness, ts is. oman speing kore ) cooke-sampso thisne... this uld be m ♪ mioung kim let see. - (cryin: i ink. .. (speakinkorean): - obs, cou s) peaking rean ): eporter eaking kean) ♪ trenka:the und-motherssue s been hden om koreasoci y. so we'veried to in g awarenesto kor on thasubjec anone of t ways th we'vdone that is thrgh a sgle momsda y. (speakinkorean udience apauding) ♪ (speakg korean ): - track ands fortruth anreconciltion for the option cmunity kor anwe want investi te the pastnd prese adopon practes in ko a soe can crte a betr ture fororean falies .i ink inrder to duce therate oadoptionof child nwho arbeing se overasrom korea, primari have to take ca of t single thers.♪ i was souc tonow e love ofy kore mothe i thk that hped me t be moreympathet to the milies at lost eir chilen and so the ued mothers o are stggling keep thr childr . ♪ parents o lost cldren to adopt n, adopes, and wyer s, and thenlso the wed mothers,ormed a alitio we wanteto chang the spial adopon l aw th governsinternional adtion we'rmaking o own bil l that hefully