um mr ambridge disagrees without vehemently, um i think, d v. i s part we could have done better with the communication between all the parties. um i. but i do think we could. we dropped the ball on that apologize to mr m village, his clients and the board. um. let's say the project is almost completed. they're looking for a final inspection. we're preventing final inspection until we get the structural special inspections submitted, which end including the monitoring reports, which were supposed to be in by yesterday, but we have not received them yet. mr poplar. thank thank you for that. i do want to point out that the communication aspect and you know, while perhaps it was not, you know, technically within clause three or condition number three that we had our holding in our motion. it does say that, um however, soul engineers perform a test prepared reported findings report will be shared with d b i and the appellant. no compression test may or compaction test may have actually happened. but as always, engineer did create a finding, and that