mike german, james wallsie and mr anwar. the "third rail" panel is next. >> we have to look at real problems that the whole reflects. >> i think you need to make a distinction between the microaggressions. people have to no words and actions a >>> welcome back to "third rail." we'll shift the conversation from how the u.s. is protecting its homelands to how it's dealing with those that may do harm to the country. let's brings in the panel. research fellow at new america and former military analyst at the c.i.a. and greg the digital editor and correspondent with the "new york times" and the a.p. for 20 years. amy goodman is the host and executive producer of "democracy now", on more than 1300 public tvs and radio stations. thank you for joining us. let's look at this one kid's story, a 19-year-old from texas that wanted to join i.s.i.l. he goes to turkey on his way to syria, gets cold feet and changes his mind. never gets to the battlefield, leaves and comes home. the fbi says he recruited a friend that died in syria. he didn