mr ayatollah khamenei, will not come close to the u.s. while he is me say this, over the last 36 years, the attitude towards the u.s. has been what i call no war, no piece. any time the war is an issue, he has come inning trying to make peace and concessions, and show, you know, places like hassan rouhani and others. any time that peace gets a little too far, he goes back again to that patient side, the war side so he can always keep the balance of no war, no peace. >> thank you for coming on the programme. the former iranian presidential candidate and board member. >> next, the long road to ending iran's nuclear programme. we look at the pressure and diplomacy applied to both sides, and go back to iran for final thoughts from ali velshi. >>> posturing, sanctions and hard-line policies, for decades, that's a story for iran and u.s. relations. both are poised to strike a deal. the road has not been easy, ali velshi is in train and explains how we got here. >> reporter: september 27, 2013, president obama shocks the world, speaking with iranian presi