mr. bissonnette's cover name was blown by fox news. there are dark rumblings in this special warfare community. the navy is embarrassed and the pentagon has fired a shot across the author's bow, threatening to persecute him for not submitting his manuscript to military authorities before taking it to a publisher. a navy admiral has delivered a public tongue lashing. the book, they say, has leaked classified information. this could be serious for mr. bissonnette, who reads like an arrogant egomaniac, although an exceedingly brave one. the pentagon seems determined to make an example of this seal for violating the non-disclosure pledge that every seal must pledge. we will see how fussy the administration really is about operational security. in the midst of this debacle, another name surfaced, almost as an afterthought, neil armstrong who died on august 25 that. quiet, scholarly earthly, who welcomed the moon and seemed embarrassed by t. american's apollo 11, navy pilot, cerebral engineer, the man who avoided the spotlight as though he t