amendment number 490 is, in fact, the bones, the nerve and the -- the chair: the gentlelady will confine her remarks to the point of order. ms. moore: ok. well, i am, mr. chair, making the point that this amendment is in order because it deals with the continuing resolution, which will slash the pell grant funding by $845. and the purpose of the continuing resolution is to slash funding that is unnecessary in our budget. and i would argue that this amendment should be made in order because the pell grant is the cornerstone of our -- the chair: again, remind the gentlelady to confine her remarks to the point of order. ms. moore: would the gentleman restate his point. the chair: the gentleman is recognized to restate his point of order. mr. rehberg: the amendment is not in order under section 3- j-3, 112th congress which states it shall not be in order to consider an amendment to a general appropriations bill that proposes a net increase in budget authority in the bill unless considered en bloc with another amendment or amendments proposing an equal or debater decrease in such greater authority pursuant to clause rule 2-f. the amendment proposes a net i