how much time do we think we need, mr chow? how much do we need for you to resolve some of these issues. >> you might -- you might want to come to the microphone. >> both with the appellant and the building department? >> in response to a question, you are asking us how -- >> we will continue this case to allow you to redo, as whatever you need to do, to work with the building department to resolve these issues. >> i think the first thing we need have to do, we would have to really do a visit altogether. >> my question is, how much time before we bring this case back? >> i would say at least 3.0 weeks for us to be able to -- >> one month, roughly. >> and we have three dates in february. the sixth, the 20th, or the 27 th. >> and mr chow, i am sure this board will require that monitoring for the foundation be put on relatively quickly. how would -- how soon would you be able to get that done? >> what happens is because you have exposed your neighbor's foundation, the concern is especially over a rainy season, that that will colla