in this week's mr craddick address, ahead of labor day, ohio senator sherrod brown talks about efforts to raise wages and benefits were american workers. senator brown: i'm sherrod brown, senator from ohio, and don't you dare call our state the rust belt. it demeans our workers, it devalues our work. think about what martin luther king said, "all labor that uplifts humanity has dignity and importance." he told the local 1199 hospital workers union, "no labor is really menial unless you're not getting adequate wages" -- something that's too often the case today. all work has dignity. that's what labor day is all about. each year on labor day, we honor the men and the women who built this country and who continue to power our economy to this day. i want to thank those workers, particularly thank the workers who aren't able to spend today, this holiday, with families and friends at picnics and barbecues, because those workers don't have the day off. they work hard to support their families, too often with too little pay. american workers are our greatest asset; they are the engine behind