what are they really hiding if you look closely at mr drake celebrations in the allegations of others what he he and others in the in a say were objecting to was wide scale spying on american citizens invading people's privacy one of his allegations of fraud and waste was the establishment of a program that went too far to collecting too much information on american citizens without obtaining you know precautions to protect people's privacy do you think a bomb administration is afraid you have got out about that what is really going on i think the national security establishment is afraid of that it's not just this case but others where there is a crackdown taking place they did not charge mr drake for actually disclosing classified information to a reporter so you have to wonder why are they going to such lengths to prosecute someone who really is a patriot i want to ask you some of the other cases because ag bureau of alcohol tobacco and firearms agents agent claimed he was fired for helping to expose what now everybody knows about the fast imperious program where a.t.f. with allowi