turn a blind eye on grows legislations of human rights because in the state of the union debate mr euchre he claimed values are the fundamental pillar of the european union well those very values are being violated in catalonia these days so what is the european union doing on the answer is nothing there talking about violence and whenever they were asked who initiated the violence they were not even brave enough to say that the violence was initiated by the security forces and indeed they are absolutely being disgraceful my question. if they are so adamant so enthusiastic in using human rights values and freedoms and democracy to complain whenever countries like china or iran or russia or turkey are conducting those actions why are they silent on whenever these is happening and perhaps even more brutally in one of its own members and my answer to my rhetorical question is that maybe those values they don't really believe in those values but those values are simply mere political instruments to use against your political adversaries which would of course lead me to conclude that there are