he's with the syrian american medical society which supports hospitals in mostly opposition areas mr gotobed thanks for being with us are the evacuations proceeding smoothly or is this too little too late. exactly thank you but if this is too late and very manners say to what the evacuation is only for people who are evacuated last night from a list of twenty nine people who are approved from a bigger list of six hundred forty people who need to go evacuation from there unfortunately all the talks about two minutes here in operation and the syria's turned on the on medical evacuation why there are four hundred thousand people are in need of basic needs like food and medication and vaccinations there are one hundred thirty thousand children in days of school. least half of them cannot see schools because of the seizure and because of the a bomb meant on the area the evacuation issue started months ago when the tsunami jeanne tightened the seas on the area so people couldn't have any axes to go out of the area to have complicated cheetham and she is already not available nor for medicines insi