rich in nutritious proteins after they removed a reaction enhancer is added and it's put into what mr ickes and explode are the result is a meat substitute made up of sixty three percent protein how many people will be lining up to get a bite of one of these burgers i just don't know but at the very least demonstrates that in the future we may need to. conceptualize what we mean by. not to be outdone by mr i kinda we are on technology uptake have come up with our own way to help me rise and demand like the good scientists we take waste material and make food from it although we do it rather differently hopefully making it more palatable to most people's tastes. our experiment we turn to one of the most prevalent insects on the globe the domestic housefly know that most people these common pests are more often a nuisance than anything else but at this research institute in moscow scientists think they could help solve some of the globe's most pressing problems with a little tweaking and they've turned these little buzzing buggers into a work force for humanity the biologists here have manage