mr. chairman, thank you. ive concerns where the money is coming from. but i think the purpose is here, should be funded. you know, we have this whole initiative and some of it has been attacked tonight about trying to get healthy foods grown by american farmers to people in areas that are -- called food deserts as the gentlelady from texas pointed out, that there are places -- there isn't a grocery store. think of a 7-eleven and those are the kind of grocery stores. and so what this initiative is all about and it's the president's initiative is, too, is trying to get food -- it's an educational process. i think the hardest cultural -- this is what i learned from other cultures, hardest thing is to get people to change their eating habits. we all know that struggle when we go on a diet. . it takes a lot of education and support but it also takes the need to have access to it. you need to have access to fresh fruits and vegetables. they can either come to you at a farmers market or you can go to them. but if you have neither a farmers market and there's n