. >> to follow-up with commissioner richards and construction cost, mr landsberg was here and he is involvedwith the group calling smart cities prevail. they came up with a simple pie chart that breaks down the construction costs for example, wages and benefits is 15% of the total cost of the construction project. don't forget land in san francisco will not be cheap whatsoever. and then you will try and build the highest project you can which will also not be a cheaper route to go. the materials are a huge component of the cost. those materials, the prices of those things, whether it is glass, steel, copy for electrical wiring, it goes up and down on a daily basis and is subject to federal regulations i remember that for a brief time there was no cranes available. if you want to divulge a project and needed a crane, there was not a crane on this project that you could buy. some started buying cranes. they are scarce and you just can't go to the store and buy a 400-foot crane. so there's a lot of things to consider. also this process also includes land use attorneys and other parties involved