well mr macmaster once said use diplomacy would only rely on for us. and we prowess on the strongest military in the world well if it's still the case that. we are in store and that it means that we are facing turbulent times and tests and tribulations present puting favors. a unifying approach not trying to isolate any one but trying to build inclusive dialogue. machine not. go in away from russia use relations so i would like to ask you about syria recently updated round of talks in astana that we. must meet that day and syrian congress will take place in sochi on january twenty ninth and thirtieth do you think we're getting closer to a solution for the syrian conflict you talk to you got world leaders through international players would you say the international community is ready to put an end to this war. now here's the most important point but that we see that the vast majority of those who are fighting on the ground are used to fighting are still fighting the ground they are ready for talks we now have for deescalation zones it means that up. po