but i can tell you mr mcauliffe just informed me that mr blatter. is a very objective person and i cannot say that he has some kind of a special. attitude towards russia moreover in german today's hearing today's procedure made us worry quite a while quite a bit and. defended our lead in a right way in a proper way moreover we were proceeding from the fact that arab eating. matches the philosophy of far which is. expanding. the limits of the world of football the borders of the world of football by covering countries and territories is that. there are many people in russia meal is a little like football but we have never held not in russia not in the former soviet union but nowhere in eastern europe we've never helos to the world cup. but when you don't want to we formulated our beating during our very first steps we're thinking about it you know you believe that we've fought the decoded reckon with that circumstance sort of ran with the purpose of expanding the borders of world football would grant us with their pride of hosting these competitions