it there it's a hard question it's something that the russians are not happy about we know that mr me dead isn't happy about it he's even said that russia is only halfway there and be able to do this what is the biggest drawback or the disincentive the russian companies solicit oh my. i think probably the easiest way to answer their question is if you look at the my six hundred thirty s. combined they probably do about five hundred billion worth of trading annually if you look at just the london stock exchange you're looking at the two point seven trillion. cash flow through through their particular. exchange and i think that once again the liquidity of the stock that is being traded publicly in a western exchanges. is a trader premium you have the opportunity to lead or if you want to increase your debt as well to do it at a cheaper rate then you would with with a russian listing obviously you also have the opportunity to be indexed some of the western in texas so i think it's it's not only. it's not only to show that you can list in the western country it's also the fact that you were gi