mr mr margelov and he was a guest on the show and spotlight is what he said i quote there is a liaison between the dar for rebels and the authorities of southern sudan and quote what consequence will the in the pens of southern sudan have for the situation in darfur equal complicated but they are the same time if the core also. be resolved some of the issues are as equivalents of history of course we want a peaceful relationship between the four and southern sudan whatever the decision may be as a result of the referendum because as you know right now there. in southern darfur they have there are some bunder issues which are sudden therefore and southern sudan now suddenly there to become independent then this will become international borders so the problem will be accessibility secondly as many of the opposition groups in india for seem to be moving towards. jim is believed to be their. minimum now we believe not only believe he said it is in in juba and right now there is. a conflict between the government forces and that of as early we who live there is in juba so there is the the danger that. the spillover effect of the the outcome of the of the referendum who have negative consequences for for the for what we are working on this we are talking to all the leaders of the movement that talking to the authorities in khartoum to really make this in win win situation well your predecessor mr dad became pretty unpopular in western governments and western capitals by the end of this turn after he said the following the constant and therefore is over and degraded to low intensity violence what's your point of view is a cover that over of it's not over but it was a right in that up to the first six months of this year more people getting killed as a result of criminal activities as a result of intra tribal into arab conflicts in darfur than the open confrontation warfare between the government of sudan and the our movement but six months the second part of this year with the larger of the. conflict between the government of sudan forces and i told him the just isn't a quality. movement led by a leader brand and opportunistically joined by hazily. heed and now with the direct confrontation between the government forces and those of used to be aligned big government clearly more people are now dying from this conflict than than previously so i cannot see that the conflict is is