joining me now from las vegas is philadelphia mayor, michael nutter, who is also the president of the u.s. conference of mayors. mrh for joining us. >> thank you, alex. >> mr. mayor, i have to ask you, we are talking about dysfunction and obstruction in washington. how frustrating is it to be a mayor, someone who very keenly is aware of where the rubber meets the road and sees what's happening in washington where nothing is getting done? >> well, alex, let me just say and i think i can speak for all the mayors in saying the mayor's job is possibly one of the best jobs in the united states of america. it's a tough job. it's a challenging job. but it certainly is a lot of fun, and you get to do things with your constituents and i'm the mayor of my hometown, greatest honor in elective office i think i'm ever going to have. so we see the things that go on in washington. mayors are about getting stuff done. we have that responsibility, and whether it's public safety or picking up trash, filling potholes, making sure there's water in swimming pools, looking out for the educational opportunities for our young people, it'