now, you will see in these rehearsal scenes coming up, a number of very interesting things. mr. patrick stewart is first seen in character, in costume. and then suddenly, there was a rehearsal scene, and the same man who appeared to be a young servant, suddenly appears to be a man in early middle age. he-mr. stewart has no hair. mr. stewart does not wear a mustache. and so you see, vividly, how he draws on his talent with the external use of a wig and a mustache, but also how he transforms himself from a man of a later age into an apparently very young man. miss lisa harrow, the gifted actress who plays julie, without the aid of makeup or costume, you'll see her in rehearsal scene after rehearsal scene, and her face will change. she will be passive. she will be dominating. she will be strong. she will be indecisive. and those are the gifts that the actor brings to the stage. and the rehearsal period, as i say, is the collaborative period when you get to know your fellow actors, when you reach a deep level of emotional intimacy with them, and you make adjustments with the aid of the dire