if the german court agrees to his extradition, mr puigdemont could spend years in a spanishjail.or josep ramoneda blames a failure of leadership on both sides for the current crisis. after months of stalemate, mr puigdemont nominated a new president, quim torra, a decisive figure who has had to apologise for comments he made about spanish speakers in the past. the appointment of a new government means rule from madrid will end. mr torra continues to press for the release of those in prison. so far, politicians have been unable, or unwilling, to break the deadlock. so far, politicians have been unable, or unwilling, to break the deadlock. back in girona, the weekly vigils continue. and ordinary catalans on both sides harbour serious doubts about the future. catalonia's autonomy is set to be restored, but the crisis goes on. spain continues to press its case in the courts but a political solution seems more distant than ever. and for ordinary catalans, it's unclear how or when the issue of independence will be resolved. hello. the weather contrast continued on saturday. thundery do