i will introduce mr ramsey clark as you all know by now as a former attorney general united states in the sixty's certainly the johnson administration set to go beat leading the defense on the issue of whether international law defenses that we want to offer should be admitted in this case is that this is a or the most important issues in this case. are coming down to the station. you know. because it should such great importance. to our country tend to peace. in iraq you have soldiers accused of violating international law. the geneva convention. and for that matter domestic law course you can't prove a lot of people under any circumstances under any law. here you have a soldier. who served in iraq. you describe leader. his squad was cleared in. two abuses that were violations of international law. you know they were they were stationed out at the international airport. they were handing detainees but what comes in is three sheen your men who had no dinner and have. only code names and they do the actual interrogation. but they order. these young soldiers around on how you handle the