well it has been pretty agitated over the past five to ten minutes we've had a live transmission of mr truro the head of the election committee right now which puts the blessing of bush in that sixty one point seven percent to fourteen percent of the votes have been processed these are preliminary results that we've just heard being broadcast and it was a modest way of round of applause actually here which means that if these results say the same polls these are preliminary results in just fourteen percent that means the person will win this presidential race without a second round without a runoff well basically all the people that i've been talking to have been pretty relaxed pretty confident about political experts and prominent cultures the new figures that have been around here around three hundred journalists also have been pretty confident of letting up to some when because he despite the round of protests that we've seen over the past couple of months remains the most popular political figure and for all of us to go. better understanding of what is counted as about what the campaign